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  • main default protected
  • 608-improve-gitlab-shell-logging-structure
  • ashmckenzie/update-golangci-setup
  • 762_use_workhorse_ssh_endpoint
  • fix-issue-708
  • id-use-workhorse-git-ssh-rpc
  • ashmckenzie/debug-yamux-issues
  • ag-remove-geo-ffs
  • aakriti.gupta-main-patch-64039
  • ashmckenzie/gssapi-fixes
  • 671-race-golang-1-x-failed-with-stdin-send-error-eof
  • igor.drozdov-main-patch-82081
  • ashmckenzie/include-metadata-in-access-finish-log-line
  • 660-job-failed-4563144016
  • id-bump-logrus
  • sh-ssh-certificates
  • tmp-geo-push-poc
  • igor.drozdov-main-patch-40896
  • tmp-kerberos-testing
  • id-test-agains-1.19
  • v14.39.0
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40 results


  • Clone with SSH
  • Clone with HTTPS
  • Forked from Igor Drozdov / Gitlab Shell
    995 commits behind the upstream repository.
    user avatar
    Amy Qualls authored
    stage: Create
    group: Source Code
    info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see

    GitLab Shell

    pipeline status coverage report Code Climate

    GitLab Shell handles git SSH sessions for GitLab and modifies the list of authorized keys. GitLab Shell is not a Unix shell nor a replacement for Bash or Zsh.

    GitLab supports Git LFS authentication through SSH.


    GitLab Shell is written in Go, and needs a Go compiler to build. It still requires Ruby to build and test, but not to run.

    GitLab Shell runs on port 22 on an Omnibus installation. To use a regular SSH service, configure it on an alternative port.

    Download and install the current version of Go from We follow the Golang Release Policy of supporting the current stable version and the previous two major versions.

    How GitLab Shell works

    When you access the GitLab server over SSH then GitLab Shell will:

    1. Limit you to predefined git commands (git push, git pull, git fetch).
    2. Call the GitLab Rails API to check if you are authorized, and what Gitaly server your repository is on
    3. Copy data back and forth between the SSH client and the Gitaly server

    If you access a GitLab server over HTTP(S) you end up in gitlab-workhorse.

    git pull over SSH

    1. git pull over SSH -> gitlab-shell -> API call to gitlab-rails (Authorization) -> accept or decline -> establish Gitaly session

    git push over SSH

    1. git push over SSH -> gitlab-shell (git command is not executed yet) -> establish Gitaly session -> (in Gitaly) gitlab-shell pre-receive hook -> API call to gitlab-rails (authorization) -> accept or decline push

    Full feature list

    Modifies authorized_keys

    GitLab Shell modifies the authorized_keys file on the client machine.

    Rate Limiting

    GitLab Shell performs rate-limiting by user account and project for git operations. GitLab Shell accepts git operation requests and then makes a call to the Rails rate-limiter (backed by Redis). If the user + project exceeds the rate limit then GitLab Shell will then drop further connection requests for that user + project.

    The rate-limiter is applied at the git command (plumbing) level. Each command has a rate limit of 600/minute. For example, git push has 600/minute and git pull has another 600/minute.

    Because they are using the same plumbing command git-upload-pack, git pull and git clone are in effect the same command for the purposes of rate-limiting.

    There is also a rate-limiter in place in Gitaly, but the calls will never be made to Gitaly if the rate limit is exceeded in Gitlab Shell (Rails).

    GitLab SaaS

    A diagram of the flow of gitlab-shell on

    graph LR
        a2 --> b2
        a2  --> b3
        a2 --> b4
        b2 --> c1
        b3 --> c1
        b4 --> c1
        c2 --> d1
        c2 --> d2
        c2 --> d3
        d1 --> e1
        d2 --> e1
        d3 --> e1
        a1[Cloudflare] --> a2[TCP<br/> load balancer]
        subgraph HAProxy Fleet
        subgraph GKE
        c1[Internal TCP<br/> load balancer<br/>port 2222] --> c2[GitLab-shell<br/> pods]
        subgraph Gitaly





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